Sunday, January 18, 2009

Class Exercise #1

For our first exercise, we were asked to sketch a machine that enhances my creativity by a 100 times. The first thing that came into my head was, why 100 times? So basically, before I launched into thinking what features and functions to put on my machine, it was important to think about whether the machine should have a positive or negative motivation on creativity; to reward or to punish. At first, I thought that it would be good to use food (positive motivation) to enhance creativity. But after more thought into it, I decided on "torture" devices instead as punishment seems to have more impact than rewards especially on someone as complancent as me. And hence, the final design.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

story behind the name

So what's the story behind the name of this blog? Well, I was sitting at Burger King, racking my brains out trying to come up with some URL name which I can live with. My friends suggested names like "My Possessed Pencil" and "I Eat Rice" (thanks to me having a bottomless pit for a stomach) and finally settled on "I Ate My Pencil".

That is SOOOO me!!

And so this is my blog for NM2208 and I will be uploading stuff which I drew with the pencil I did not eat real soon =)